Plane blow on business aid?

The employers’ representatives (Medef, U2P, or CPME) fear that aid to companies is revised downwards. In the line of fire, in particular, the reduction in production taxes, this tax levy to which all companies are subject in addition to corporate tax, regardless of their profits or their profitability.

The government has planned to lower these production taxes by seven billion next year out of the 100 billion levied each year. Admittedly, Bruno Le Maire in Bercy or even Gabriel Attal, Minister of Public Accounts assured franceinfo last week that the promise made to companies would be kept. Except that the results of the first round of legislative elections could change the situation.

The good score of Nupes could force the government to reconsider its intentions because it wants to tax companies. The left has been asking for less aid for businesses for a long time, or aid conditional on employment or environmental results. In the previous five-year term, Emmanuel Macron has already reduced these production taxes by ten billion.

Are companies playing the game enough?

Finally, on the side of the Élysée, there is annoyance. The Head of State believes that the companies which were very supported during the crisis did not take their part enough in the face of rising prices. However, the president has often asked them to increase salaries, to resort to the Macron bonus. This bonus, He also believes that it has not been used enough: the average amount paid last year thus amounted to 500 euros.

However, the government is looking for money to finance its measures on purchasing power. It is certain that in the current context, keeping part of the seven billion euros that production taxes bring in is tempting. At a time when it is planned to revalue retirement pensions this summer, to extend the rebate on fuel or to make a gesture at the start of the school year for the most modest. The government will have to find some 30 billion euros. And if he does not have an absolute majority, he will need allies. Taking a few nudges away from business might help him find some.

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