Plan to combat poverty: 20 billion euros dedicated over five years, specifies Aurore Bergé, Minister of Solidarity



Video duration:
10 minutes

France 2

Aurore Bergé, Minister of Solidarity and Families, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Tuesday September 19.

On Monday September 18, the government unveiled its plan to combat poverty, called the “solidarity pact”. “Very concretely, there are 20 billion euros dedicated to our action to combat poverty. This means both very direct support for the most vulnerable populations, particularly the issue of children, and then also structural actions.said Aurore Bankguest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Tuesday. The Minister of Solidarity and Families specified that this poverty plan will be organized over five years.

A new public early childhood service

“We puts 20 billion euros, because we are building, for example, the public early childhood service. It’s new, and it’s six billion euros over the five-year period to guarantee that every family can have a childcare solution for their child”, added the minister. “The number of poorly housed children is estimated at around 80,000” today in France, she also detailed.

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