Pirate heart, “oily hair” and in pajamas: she makes fun of her exhausted mom look

The Canadian singer Coeur de Pirate leads her way far from the life of an artist: It is with the complete panoply of the overwhelmed new mother that the young woman of 32 years is displayed on Instagram!

Beatrice Martin a.k.a Coeur de Pirate became a mother for the second time on January 16 of a little Arlo. She raises, since this second child with her companion Marc Flynn. But everything does not seem so easy for the two lovers. Indeed, the young woman shared with her fans a selfie where she shows herself completely exhausted by her new life as a young mother. It is in a humorous tone that the young singer addressed her fans by commenting on the photo of a “greasy hair“and add”the same pajamas(see slideshow).

Always on the tone of humor, Coeur de Pirate has never ceased to share her intimacy and her “galleys” of young mother with her public. On January 31, she had, for example, confided in having pushed the song in the middle of the night to calm her baby: “I don’t know why but I had to sing Lady Gaga’s best of at 5 a.m. or my newborn was screaming.” In the same way, she had addressed the medical personnel to thank them after childbirth: “We haven’t showered for 3 days, I’m wearing an adult diaper, everything is fine. (Jokes aside, a huge thank you to the staff of the birthing unit of the CHUM, we were so well supported, I really liked my doctor, the nurses, the attendants, in short, thank you).

This isn’t the Canadian’s first experience with babies as she had already given birth to a little one. Romy in 2012, born of a previous union with the French tattoo artist Alex Peyrat. Today far from the stage and the cameras, the singer had decided to interrupt her tour to devote herself to her pregnancy and the first months of her son.

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