Pirate heart mum: she can’t stop crying

Coeur de Pirate also shared videos and photos of her with her son in her arms or of young Romy tenderly carrying her little brother. Inevitably, the tears are never far away but obviously, they are only the proof of this brand new happiness that life has brought him.

Before finding stability with Marc Flynn, Coeur de Pirate shared the life of Fabrice Riballier, one of the members of the group Naive New Beaters and that of Alex Peyrat, a French tattoo artist, the father of his daughter Romy. The couple even got married in 2012 until a point of no return and a divorce a few years later. Meanwhile, Coeur de Pirate has come out queer and had a romance with singer Laura Jane Grace. A few months later, she remarried her ex-husband Alex Peyrat. This second attempt will have been in vain since Béatrice Martin, of her real name, finally continues her journey with Marc Flynn.

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