Pippa Middleton pregnant with her 3rd child: surprise, she reveals her baby bump during the platinum jubilee!

Babies are about to rain in the UK! While Lilibet Diana, daughter of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, has just celebrated her first birthday, a new pregnancy has just been revealed to the eyes of all of England. The future mother? Pippa Middleton, the little sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, who came to attend the big concert celebrating the platinum jubilee of Elizabeth II, on Saturday June 4 in front of Buckingham Palace, in a pretty green dress … revealing a baby bump already quite wide – as you can see in these photos.

Engaged to James Matthews in July 2016, married to her darling since 2017, Pippa Middleton is already the mother of two children she had with her husband: Arthur, 3 years old and Grace, 1 year old. Never two without three for Kate Middleton’s sister… who isn’t the only one craving babies right now. His brother James Middleton, married to the French Alizée Thevenet, would be considering starting a family, not with dogs by the thousands as he is used to doing, but indeed with a child. The future will tell.

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