Pio Marmaï stressed young dad: he finally talks about his 17-month-old daughter

Life took a whole new turn for Pio Marmaï in 2020. In August, the 37-year-old actor became a father for the first time to a little girl called Pia, the fruit of his love affair with the classical dancer Charlotte ransom. Welcoming a baby into his life upset Pio Marmaï and the tranquility he had known until then. In the columns of Madame Figaro, he rarely confided in the arrival of his daughter: “I am a bully with my 17 month old daughterhe said with humor. More seriously, under my relaxed air, I am quite anxious by nature. I feel like a slightly worried father. But I see at his side that everything works. I am lucky to have a calm and sleeping child“. This concern about his daughter, Pio Marmaï is ready to tame it and make sure that it takes up as little space as possible: “I will strive to ensure that my children are confident and well-armed […] to know how to defend themselves and remain masters of what they want to do or not“.

For the moment, Pio Marmaï is enjoying the young days of his little Pia, who has become one of his main priorities: “I am a little more measured, I draw my energy elsewhere, in my family life“he revealed to the same magazine in June 2021. “Taking care of someone else” than him apparently put his ideas back in place: “It’s a real plus when you do a job where everything always revolves around your little navel” he continued.

Pio Marmaï did not announce his paternity right away. As a man in the shadows, the actor chose to keep the good news to himself before Yann Barthès spilled the beans in Day-to-day. The facilitator had indeed discovered the baby bump of his companion in a video broadcast on Youtube, Ultimate Revenge 2. Pio Marmaï had also curbed the ardor of his host: “Oulala, what’s going on, we’re getting intimate here… Maybe yes, maybe not.“The future finally proved him right!

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