Pinterest | Short videos to discover the Louvre differently

(Paris) The global platform Pinterest and the Louvre Museum have joined forces to create a dozen short videos aimed at discovering the Parisian museum in an offbeat way, a first with a museum institution in France, they announced on Monday.

Posted at 11:47 a.m.

The first five videos of less than two minutes are visible from Monday on the Louvre’s Pinterest account, which averages 230,000 views per month. The next five will go live in the first quarter of 2023, according to the museum.

Grouped under the title “Detour to the Louvre”, these videos offer a romantic stroll through the museum (“The art of loving”), an unusual view of the Louvre from its windows (“Art through the windows”), the discovery of the masterpieces exhibited in the same room as the famous Mona Lisa (“everything except the Mona Lisa”), the museum as a playground for photographers (“so cliché”) or a confidential location scouting (“the visitor lonely “).

Former palace of kings, the Louvre was designed in 1793 as a universal museum. It has collections considered among the most beautiful in the world, covering several millennia and a territory that stretches from America to the borders of Asia.

It welcomed around ten million visitors a year before the COVID-19 crisis, which forced it to close its doors for several months.

“The effects of the health crisis were still felt from January to March, but since April attendance has been very good and we are back to levels similar to 2019 (9.6 million visitors), with the exception of Chinese visitors. , due to the closure of their borders,” the museum said.

At the same time, he has “more than ten million subscriber accounts” on social networks, he added.

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