Pinocchio is back on VOD platforms



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More than 80 years after its first appearance in cinema, Pinocchio is making a comeback thanks to video-on-demand platforms.

Eighty-two years after its creation, Pinocchio is back on our screens thanks to two video-on-demand platforms: Netflix and Disney. It is the latter who draws the first with a film made with real shots, real actors who are then reworked by computer. For its part, Netflix will release in December a revisited version of the cartoon directed by Guillermo Del Toro.

A return to the screens started two years ago thanks to a third platform, Amazon Prime. She had bought the exclusive broadcasting rights to a film by Italian director Matteo Garrone, which had never been released in theaters. Created in the 1940s by Disney, Pinocchio has not finished delighting generations of children. And that appeals to the public. “It’s interesting to see the evolution and how it’s readjusted”, says a viewer. And for a second to add: “It’s always interesting to rework tales, it’s an interesting angle in literature and rewriting.”

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