Pink October in Pulnoy, residents show off their bras

Throughout the month of September, several collection points were offered to the inhabitants of Pulnoy, a town near Nancy. “We warned that we were preparing a surprise for Pink October, but without giving details” indicates the town hall, Lauric Didier Mougin, in charge of communication.

And this Monday, October 17, the surprise
! several dozen bras hung on ropes high up in the center of the town, in Le Bourg. They will stay there until the end of October, as part of Pink October, a month of mobilization throughout France to alert and encourage women to get tested. “To remember it, go to the town and look up“, writes the municipality on its social networks, which recalls”detected at an early stage, breast cancer is curable in 9 out of 10 cases.”

197 bras are hung out of the 572 recovered at Pulnoy

Town hall of Pulnoy

In all, 572 bras were collected, 197 are hanging! Women initiated, set up the project Carole Régnière, municipal agent and the municipal councilor in charge of health Marie-Claude Dannebey.

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