Pink Floyd at the Montreal Planetarium

Observe the sky while listening The Dark Side of the Moon ? This unmissable teenage rite of passage will take on an unprecedented dimension starting May 3 at the Montreal Planetarium.

The great concert in the sky will meet the mythical music of Pink Floyd in a planetarium show superimposing the ten pieces of the legendary album, launched 50 years ago, as many tableaux composed of “striking images of the Solar System, and other effects visuals, in a surround sound environment. » Graphic designer Aubrey Powell, a long-time collaborator of the English group to whom we owe the record cover A Saucerful of Secrets, is one of its creators.

This means that after the great success of The exhibition Pink Floyd: Their Mortal Remainswhich was on view at the Arsenal from November to April, Pink Floyd will continue its stay in Montreal, at the Planetarium, until September 4.

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