Pinel submits his psychiatric evaluation of Pierre Ny St-Amand

The Philippe-Pinel Institute has completed the assessment of the man accused of having killed two young children by driving his bus into a Laval daycare center in February.

The Montreal Institute of Forensic Psychiatry had been mandated by the court to assess the mental state of Pierre Ny St-Amand at the time of his alleged crimes, on February 8. This assessment must determine the criminal responsibility of the accused at the time of the alleged facts.

During a hearing Wednesday at the Laval courthouse, the Crown and defense said they only received the 22-page psychiatric assessment report earlier in the day. They therefore asked the court that the case be postponed until June 13, to allow them to take cognizance of it adequately.

Appearing by videoconference, St-Amand, 51, listened impassively as the judge ordered that the assessment report not be made public at this time.

The driver of the Société de transport de Laval was arrested after a bus crashed into a daycare center in the Sainte-Rose district of Laval, killing two four-year-old children and injuring six other toddlers.

He faces two counts of first-degree murder as well as seven other counts, including attempted murder and aggravated assault.

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