Pinched at nearly 210 km/h on a highway in Laval

A 23-year-old Laval resident was caught by the police after driving at 209 km/h in a 100 km/h zone during the night from Wednesday to Thursday on Highway 15 south in Laval.

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) patrol officers were carrying out speed checks with a radar when they came across this driver who was clearly in a hurry around 1:30 a.m.

The motorist, who had a passenger in his car, was finally intercepted in the Montreal area.

In addition to his speeding, the young man was stopped without a valid driving license.

He was given an infraction ticket for $1,939 in addition to 24 demerit points for speeding. The sanctions do not stop there since he was also fined $1,076 for driving while sanctioned.

His vehicle was seized for a period of 30 days due to his sanctioned driving license.

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