From the slaughter of a pig to the disillusionment of an anti-speciesist activist, Etienne Goudreau-Lajeunesse’s first book is a jewel of literary hyperrealism, at times meditative and at others, downright distressing.
Piglets, a collection of 10 short stories populated by carcasses and disasters, provokes profound reflections on the hierarchical links between species, to the point of reimagining our way of thinking about nature. Benefiting from the precise pen of its author, the work transports us from one flood to another, to the discovery of bitter stories whose common thread is the world in decline and climate change.
It is as much about the unpredictability of nature, the relationship between humans and their environment as it is about sexuality. We can only see connections between environmental issues and social relations, and this is what makes Etienne Goudreau-Lajeunesse’s proposal so fascinating. The explosion of focalizations is a clever narrative technique which allows, during reading, to multiply the prisms through which we receive the work.
Piglets is an absolute must-read, if you don’t fear the nervous laughter that encountering this “eco-friendly” universe will undoubtedly provoke.gore » singular.

152 pages