PIGEON en COCOTTE to celebrate the authors and readers present at LIRE in LIMOGES


Two firings for a perfectly soft pigeon!

This cooking in two stages -slow to start then stronger to brown it- gives softness to the flesh of the pigeon. If the pigeons are small, provide 1 pigeon per person. If possible use clarified butter as fat. When cooking, if it is necessary to add water, hot water must be added so as not to slow down cooking.

The zucchini will make a nice creamy and sweet sauce.

*The pigeon must be at room temperature at least 1 hour before preparing it.

**Cover is a word I made up! It specifies that you have to put the lid on the saucepan, the casserole dish or the dish!

Per person :

½ pigeon*

5 shallots, peeled and minced

1 onion peeled and minced

½ zucchini, peeled, seeds removed and cut into pieces

2 sprigs of tarragon (or other aromatic herb)

Salt and pepper

1 tbsp fat

In a casserole dish, place the pigeon with the shallots, onion, tarragon, zucchini + ½ glass of water, season with pepper, cover** and cook for 15 minutes over moderate heat (making sure there is enough otherwise add hot water). Uncover and cook for 5 minutes over high heat (the juice should evaporate). Take everything out of the pan and heat the fat. Add the pigeon and brown it on all sides. Reheat the vegetables with the pigeon, salt and serve.

Nice kitchen to all, Régine

source site-35