Pierre Richard: His sublime granddaughter Maë Defays is a confirmed singer!

Sometimes, in famous families, many are successful. A feat that Pierre Richard can boast of. Indeed, the 87-year-old French actor has a granddaughter who, for several years now, has made her place in the media world. Something to delight the man who inaugurated his very first wax statue …

Indeed, the young artist Maë Defays is now recognized as an essential singer of the jazz scene, counting to her credit several dozen concerts in Paris, a tour in Guyana as well as a recital in Copenhagen – known to be the new European capital of jazz. After setting up her first group at only 19, she joined the Didier Lockwood Music Center (CMDL) in order to perfect her technique. It wasn’t until 2016 that Pierre Richard’s granddaughter unveiled her very first EP, titled The Shelter. Having grown up in a universe of artists from the world of music and cinema, Maë Defays draws inspiration from her Caribbean and European origins to compose and perform her songs. With her soft and bewitching voice, the latter has already found her audience.

An album in preparation?

Recently, Maë Defays unveiled a new EP with jazz influences, titled Morning rain. But after having released yet another EP, the latter wishes in the future to present her first album to her audience. A desire that she had expressed during an interview granted to the site Soul Kitchen in 2020. Asked by our colleagues about her absolute dream, Pierre Richard’s granddaughter detailed her many wishes: “Release my first album and express myself more intensely again through a show that can combine all the arts that I love, music, dance, cinema, painting. “

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