Pierre Rabhi, figure of agroecology, died at the age of 83

This militant of the environmental cause was the author in particular of “Towards happy sobriety”, sold more than 460,000 copies

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Agroecology is losing one of its main figures in France. Writer and philosopher Pierre Rabhi, co-founder of the Colibris movement, died Saturday, December 4, at the age of 83, from a cerebral hemorrhage, his family announced. This activist of the environmental cause was the author in particular of Towards happy sobriety (2010), sold over 460,000 copies.

Director Cyril Dion, close to Pierre Rabhi, welcomed “a pioneer of the return to the earth”, which was “one of the first to have warned about the harmful effects of growth” on the living. “Everything we hear today, Pierre was already saying it more than 45 years ago”, he underlined, on the phone, on franceinfo.

Death of Pierre Rabhi: Cyril Dion's reaction

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