Pierre Poilievre delivers a speech at a Conservative partisan rally in Montreal

It was hot in Grover Auditorium on Wednesday evening in Montreal, and it wasn’t because of the heatwave. The leader of the Conservative Party of Canada (PCC), Pierre Poilievre, delivered a speech in front of hundreds of excited supporters… and a handful of protesters.

Pierre Poilievre above all led a formal charge against Justin Trudeau, whom he accused of promoting an “extreme” and “radical” ideology in order to divide Canadians so that they “forget their difficulties”.

Crime, “chaos”, “disorder”: “everything is broken” in Canada, according to Mr. Poilievre. He accessed a large part of his speech on the economy, saying he wanted to make life easier for entrepreneurs and cut taxes.

He also opposed “crazy economics” (“ wackonomics ) — liberal economic policies that he considers too wasteful and ineffective — to “common sense” economics, which would consist, among other things, of finding a dollar of savings for each new dollar of spending.

The housing crisis, a favorite theme of the conservatives, was highlighted. The PCC would spare no effort to alleviate the shortage, according to Mr. Poilievre, in particular by selling land and government buildings into housing units. “It warms my heart to think of the families who will [déménager] in their new home in the former CBC headquarters,” he said in English only, a nod to his promise to reduce funding to the crown corporation.

He also attacked the mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, whom he called “as incompetent as Justin Trudeau” since she is slowing down the construction of housing due to too much bureaucracy, in his opinion. He made a similar speech about him last winter. Mme Plante was also heavily booed by the crowd.

Oberman candidate in Mont-Royal

Located a stone’s throw from the Holocaust Museum, in the Mont-Royal borough, the choice of the gathering place was not insignificant. The riding has a large Jewish population and is currently represented by Liberal MP Anthony Housefather.

The latter had considered turning his back on the liberals at the end of March after the adoption of a motion in parliament which asked the government to work “with a view to the establishment of the State of Palestine as part of a solution negotiated between two States. He changed his mind a few weeks later.

It is lawyer Neil Oberman who will try to get elected in the constituency in the next election. This spring, Mr. Oberman represented two McGill University students in Superior Court in Montreal to seek an injunction prohibiting pro-Palestinian groups from demonstrating near university buildings.

“The radical agenda [de Justin Trudeau] creates crime, chaos and disorder in our communities,” the aspiring candidate said at the start of the rally in a speech mainly in English. He also took direct aim at Mr. Housefather, saying he is helping to keep in power “the most anti-Israel prime minister Canada has ever seen.”

The Conservative leader’s wife, Anaida Poilievre, then addressed the crowd, recalling her parents’ immigration journey. Montreal is “my home,” she said in impeccable French alongside her two children.

Partisans conquered and breaststroke comrade

Does the palpable enthusiasm in the room suggest a conservative breakthrough in Montreal during the next federal elections? “I hope so, but I’m not sure,” says 23-year-old activist Charles Pearson. Nevertheless, he believes in the leadership qualities of Pierre Poilievre and his message of sound management of public finances.

“I was very impressed by his speech,” said Pearl Zaritsky Cooper, formerly a Liberal supporter who switched to the Conservatives during the Stephen Harper era. “I find him open and honest,” said the Côte-Saint-Luc resident. I believe it will really improve the quality of life of Canadians. »

Not everyone was so receptive to Mr. Poilievre’s words. On at least three occasions, protesters attempted to interrupt his speech by chanting words — buried by the crowd — and attempting to unveil signs and a banner. The Conservative leader continued his speech without flinching and the individuals were escorted in a muscular manner towards the exit, to the boos of the crowd.

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