Pierre Perret timed… His disturbing message that challenges!

At 88, Pierre Perret has no intention of bowing out. Far from retirement, the artist prefers to stay on stage. In 2023, he should also take to the roads of France in order to push the song to the four corners of France. A tour that enchants him and that he mentioned, this Thursday, December 29, 2022, on his Twitter account. “My faithful darlings, I have just noticed that time runs faster than Pescarolo when he won the 24 Hours of Le Mans! And that I will have 89 plum brooms in 2023!.. And that I hope you will listen to my 10 new songs that I have just recorded. (Click for more) “, he explained on the social network to the blue bird.

See you next March

And to continue: “I will tweet you on stage as soon as possible. The album will take off next March. We will forget together: the sick climate, pensions, covid, wars and all those who have gelatin in the teapot and who destroy our poor planet. At the dawn of 2023, I promise you, we will find the banana together! » A post that sparked strong reactions. Visibly delighted by the news, the singer’s fans were numerous to comment on the post. “My pierrot, 10 is not bad, in these very confusing times… your messages will do a world of good… like your culinary recipes by the way… good energy and a lot of success and happiness…”, “Enjoy your last year of octogenarian. We will listen to your latest creations with pleasure”, “Thank you for all your songs”, “Keep going as long as possible”, “You are a great guy my Pierrot because you have remained simple, generous and loving people despite your popularity”, could we read in the comments. Pierre Perret therefore gives Rendez-vous to his fans next March.


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