Pierre Palmade, still hospitalized but “out of trouble”, a relative of the victims accuses him!

The information, revealed by The Sunday newspaper, had the effect of a thunderclap this Friday, February 10, 2023. Shortly before 7 p.m. that same day, the comedian Pierre Palmade found himself imprisoned in his car after an extremely violent and frontal collision with another vehicle . Facts that took place near the town of Villiers-en-Bière, in Seine-et-Marne, on the RD372 not far from the forest of Fontainebleau and the home of the actor who lives in Cély. This Saturday, February 11, we learn from theAFP that the latter was driving his vehicle when he hit another car coming from opposite with, on board, a pregnant woman, a six-year-old child and a man. Quickly evacuated by helicopter, their vital prognosis would still be engaged, unlike that of Pierre Palmade, who was transferred to the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital. A press release from his family specifies that the comedian was first placed in intensive care and then operated and that his days no longer seem in danger.

“Among the five victims, three had to be extricated from their vehicle”

Always according toAFP who contacted the Melun prosecution, a third “vehicle arrives and hits the family vehicle from behind”, driven by an 80-year-old man, who was only slightly injured. The latter was transferred by road to Melun hospital. According to a police source reported by AFP, “among the five victims, three had to be extricated from their vehicle, including Pierre Palmade”. An investigation, opened for “unintentional injuries per driver resulting in incapacity for work of more than three months”, was entrusted to the Melun Val-de-Seine police station, said the prosecution.

“Completely crumpled doors compressed by the shock…”

Sent to the scene of the accident, our colleagues from RTL specify “that at this stage, it seems that it was Pierre Palmade’s car that swerved, but that remains to be confirmed by the Melun police officers, in charge of the investigation. The latter analyze the carcasses of vehicles, in particular”, they specify, during a report broadcast this Saturday, February 11, during The Unexpected Diary by Ophelie Meunier. On site there is all the signs of a violent shockbumpers on the side, seats, headrests, completely crumpled doors compressed by the shock, on the ground traces of braking showing that a car is going out of its trajectory…”. This surprises the journalist because “the departmental road is in a straight line, clear, limited to 70 km”, “a road well known to the comedian who lives a few kilometers away, in Cély.”

The special envoys also indicate that analyzes are in progress: “We are also awaiting the results of the toxicological, drug and alcohol analyses.” and raise another uncertainty about “the presence of two passengers aboard Pierre Palmade’s car who would have fled after the shock, this is in any case what witnesses to the accident said”.

“We are angry with him, it is because of him because he was against the grain”

As for the other victims, they were also hospitalized in various establishments, transported in emergency by helicopter with a vital prognosis. always according to RTL,

the family in the car opposite is apparently of Turkish origin.” At the Beaujon hospital, the journalists were able to meet a relative of the man who was in the second car. And he hides neither his anger nor his distress: “It’s not easy at all, there’s his father who died a few months ago, there’s his son too… we’re afraid of losing both. These are people I knew well, in fact since we were little, our families have been together… it’s difficult. We do not know, what was the actor, if for example he was alcoholicwe don’t really know, that’s why we’re angry with him, it’s because of him because he was against the grain.” A strong and accusing testimony delivered in pain and anger. Hope the investigation progresses as quickly as possible. Our best wishes go out to his battered families.

See also: Cyril Lignac hospitalized in emergency: the famous chef almost went there …


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