Pierre Palmade case: the actor speaks for the first time since the accident


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

L. Feuerstein, S. Gorny, C. Vérove O. Palomino, G. Bensoussan, P. Limpens – France 3

France Televisions

Tuesday February 14, four days after the accident, Pierre Palmade wanted to speak in a press release. The actor indicated in particular that he “will assume all the consequences of his actions”.

Tuesday, February 14, from his hospital bed, Pierre Palmade made a point of expressing himself through his sister, Helen. In a statement sent to reporters, she said: “He realizes the horror of what happened. passof what he caused. He is devastated, he is ashamed. […] He will assume all the consequences of his actions with the terrible awareness that he will never be able to repair what he has done.“The comedian is still being taken care of at the hospital Bicetrein Paris. His condition is stable. He could be heard quickly by the investigators.

“The collateral damage is endless”

This statement was freshly received by the lawyer of the family victim of the accident who held a press conference. Master Mourad Battikh noted : They are insensitive to the excuses that have been made. Direct damage and collateral damage are endless. According to the lawyer, the driver of the struck vehicle and his son are still in intensive care. As for the passenger who was pregnant, he specifies that an emergency caesarean section was performed to save the baby, but without success. If manslaughter under the influence of narcotics is retained, Pierre Palmade faces up to ten years in prison.

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