Pierre Palmade at the origin of a famous tube… because of a naughty blunder on the phone!

After a night of partying on his way home, Pierre Palmade wanted to contact a former conquest to have some company! “I was looking for a boyfriend who would like to end the night with me, he says. I look a little in my notebook, there are first names and I see Maxime. I said ‘Ah! I think Maxime too, he’s a party animal, I have good memories of him!“Except that when starting the call, Pierre Palmade didn’t realize right away that he had actually dialed the wrong number:”It picks up, I say to myself ‘So much the better, he doesn’t sleep yet either’. ‘Yes, Max? Well, listen, I wanted to have fun. I called you, it makes me happy, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other’.” Pierre Palmade then realizes that it is the singer: “He can see that I have a weird tone. He said to me, ‘Pierre, do you know who I am? Maxime Le Forestier!‘”

Surprisingly, the comedian got out of the mess he had just gotten himself into very well: “Of course I know Maxime, I still know why I’m calling you! […] To give you an idea for a song!“Interested in this proposal, Maxime Le Forestier wanted to know more. Pierre Palmade then managed to remember some memory of the day before, by chance: “I had seen a man in the street walking with a bouquet of flowers and I thought it was nice to wonder to whom this gentleman was bringing these flowers.” Skeptical at first, Maxime Le Forestier finally agreed to make a song out of it, The man with the bouquet of flowers, which has become legendary. It is therefore clear that Pierre Palmade definitely has all the talents, all without doing it on purpose! And it’s still class.

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