Pierre Palmade addicted to “new drugs”? Frédéric Beigbeder gives all the details!

Frédéric Beigbeder assumes everything. A great consumer of cocaine, the famous writer never misses an opportunity to say more about these vices which have long punctuated his daily life. Guest of Nathalie Levy on the set ofAs an aside in March 2022, he had also mentioned his sometimes destructive relationship with Laura Smet, his companion at the time. We trained. I, who was older, should perhaps have been more careful. I was in a phase of my life where I practiced a certain nocturnal shift”, he had explained. For him, being alive today is a matter of “miracle”.

In a recent interview given to Sonia Devillers on France Inter, the author of Confessions of a Slightly Overwhelmed Heterosexual believes that despite his detoxification, “we never heal”. Although he no longer consumes illicit substances, he could, like Pierre Palmade, have caused a tragic accident, “even if what happened to Palmade is more, in my opinion, related to other new drugs, like 3MMC, which I also talk about, but which I have never tried”, he explains.

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“It’s a very serious matter”

“In any case, of course you should never believe a former drug addict who says he is cured, because you are never cured”, adds Frédéric Beigbeder. For her part, Sonia Devillers quotes him pointing “his good samaritans” that you “put your nose back in”. “It’s like a brotherhood of people hurting each other in groups. It’s something I’m trying to portray, because I think at one time I had characters from my novels, who may have giving bad ideas. […] It is true that it is a very serious subject, continues the writer.

Words that remind us of what Jean-Marie Bigard, a longtime friend of the comedian, said on the set of TPMP: All of Pierre’s friends, all of those who knew him without exception, said to him: ‘Pierre, stop’. And we all broke our teeth. He says, ‘No, I do what I want, stop telling me what to do. He survived all that, and then there is the big punishment, there is nothing more to do.


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