Pierre Ménès on Melissa’s arm: cinema outing for the newlyweds with the VIPs

They ignore controversies, problems and galleys: Pierre Ménès and his wife Melissa love each other, for better and for worse! Recently married, the sports journalist and his partner went to the La Baule Film and Film Music Festival this Sunday, July 3, to attend the closing ceremony. In jeans and sneakers, the former Canal + columnist accused of bad behavior against his colleagues seemed relaxed.

His wife, Melissa, whom he had moreover met in La Baule more than ten years ago, was by his side in a flowery dress and sunglasses. And had nothing to envy to all the actresses also present! Pascale Arbillot, in particular, caused a sensation with her blonde square cut, her jeans and her black jacket. Currently showingIrreduciblethe first film by Jérôme Commandeur, she was radiant.

And she joined a nice skewer of her colleagues, in particular Anne Parillaud, very smiling, and Mélanie Doutey, dazzling in an apple green jumpsuit. The mother of the young Ava Lellouche, recently seen in the stands of Roland-Garros, was, as usual, very smiling on the arm of Pascal Elbé and Alexandre Astier.

This one had surely taken a short summer break in the filming of his upcoming project, the second opus of Kaamelot in film, to come and enjoy the festival with his colleagues. With short hair, he was also able to find actor Gérard Jugnot on the red carpet, who came to enjoy a beautiful solo event, without his wife Patricia, nor his son Arthur, also an actor and above all a newlywed.

Arnaud Ducret was still there: after having already shone on the red carpet a few days ago for the same festival, the actor was once again accompanied by his wife Claire Francisci-Ducret, who this time had chosen a short ecru dress , which perfectly showcased her perfect pole-dancer figure. As a reminder, they too are a newlywed couple: while they said yes last year, they renewed their vows this year and were able to have a big party with their friends.

Finally, Alexandre Desplat, a huge multi-award-winning composer, was present, as was local politician Franck Louvrier. Tarek Boudali and Olivier Baroux, who recently collaborated, were also very smiling together and posed, like Franck Dubosc, with the fans present.

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