The MEP considers on Tuesday on France Inter that their projects “are compatible” and that together they “could make a great campaign”.
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“We can go alone”but “we reach out to everyone” and in particular to the ecologist Marie Toussaint, said Tuesday April 30 on France Inter Pierre Larrouturou, head of the list of the Nouvelle Donne movement in the European elections. The MEP, who ran in 2019 on the list led by the Socialists, decided to launch his own list called “Change Europe”. If he claims to be tender “hands to everyone”Pierre Larrouturou still hopes “see in the coming days” the head of the environmentalist list Marie Toussaint. He considers that their projects “are compatible” and that together they “could make a great campaign”.
The Nouvelle Donne MEP details his program, ensuring that he has “very concrete solutions” to propose in the face of a “very serious social crisis”. Pierre Larrouturou says he sees a collapse “public services”, “rent too much” high which means that “Millions of people have had difficulty living on a daily basis”. And he believes that currently, “We are not putting suitable solutions on the table.”
He therefore proposes to “put 300 billion [d’euros] every year for the climate” through a kind of “Climate bank”. This amount would finance “thermal renovation, public transport, access to electricity in Africa”. Pierre Larrouturou also pleads for “the 4-day, 32-hour week, with no reduction in pay” And “autonomy allowance” For the young.
“We are facing a climate catastrophe and if we take a break as requested by Emmanuel Macron, it will be horror for us and our children.”
Pierre Larrouturou, New Deal MEPon France Inter
Pierre Larrouturou calls for “stop Europe from tax optimization” to favor “social optimization”. He thus returns to the speech of the Head of State at the Sorbonne last week. The MEP accuses Emmanuel Macron of “put Europe in the grave”. If he admits to having “applause” Emmanuel Macron’s first speech at the Sorbonne, in 2017, Pierre Larrouturou maintains that seven years later “no one believes anymore” to the project of the President of the Republic.