Pierre Houdé | “Why stop? »

Thursday morning, Pierre Houde appeared on the Gilles-Villeneuve circuit for his umpteenth Canadian Grand Prix. Once his vehicle was parked, he walked along the basin. Looking at the paddock in the distance, he thought, “My God, I’m so happy! »

Voice of Formula 1 in Quebec for more than 30 years, Pierre Houde would have every right to hang up his microphone if he wished – even if such a decision would upset many viewers.

Each year, before the Grand Prix of Canada, the experienced descriptor of the Sports Network (RDS) does a little introspection. “Do I still have the taste? he wonders.

The verdict is always the same. The feeling that inhabits him each year in mid-June, when he sets foot on the Gilles-Villeneuve circuit, makes him realize how much the flame still burns just as brightly.

“It doesn’t get more scientific than that. As long as that, it’s there, you say to yourself: why stop? “, he says with a smile, seated with The PressFriday morning.

To tell the truth, Mr. Houde would not even have needed to tell us that he is passionate. We had understood this the day before, during a long conversation between colleagues in the corridors of the media center. “When I walk in here, passion comes out! he told us before everyone returned to their task.

The bite ”

Pierre Houde can tell you the exact day when this passion for Formula 1 was awakened. It was in 1982, “the Friday” of the Canadian Grand Prix. Verification made, it was June 11th.

At the time, the 23-year-old Pierre was newly appointed program director for radio station CKVL, which had just been awarded exclusive broadcast and promotion rights for Formula 1.

Arriving on the Montreal circuit that day, Mr. Houde had never seen a single-seater in real life.

“We install our stuff and I see an F1 for the first time on the circuit. And there, hold on! he exclaims, mimicking a prick on his left arm. “The total sting, right away. »

Over the years, Mr. Houde has held various positions within the organization of the Montreal event. He was even its director in 1985 and 1986, when he was only 27 years old.

Then he worked for a year in advertising for the Cossette agency, before freelancing for Radio-Canada, then F1 broadcaster. It was in 1993 that his adventure as an F1 reporter for RDS began, when the network acquired the broadcasting rights.

The famous signing

“The reds go out and we roll! »

Any self-respecting Quebec Formula 1 fan knows this phrase. Many have undoubtedly smiled while reading it. But where does this statement come from that has become Pierre Houde’s signature over the years?

“It is in two parts, explains the main interested party. The reds go out, it hasn’t always been that, because before, it was a green. At the beginning, I said: we go green and we roll! »

As for the second part, this “we roll” which sounds like music to the ears of viewers, it does not come from F1. Mr. Houde used it for the first time in 1990, during a prototype sports event organized in Montreal by the tobacco company Player’s.


At the Gilles-Villeneuve circuit, in 2012, with his colleague Bertrand Houle

“I was with Christian Tortora on the edge of the track – not in a closed structure like here – and with the technical delegate of the FIA, Yvon Léon. After four or five laps, I was amazed at what I saw. […] It came out of my mouth, I said: “My God, my word, Christian, we are driving on the Gilles-Villeneuve circuit!” Christian was waving at me, they got goosebumps. »

Thirty-three years later, Pierre Houde is often challenged in the street or at the grocery store by viewers who talk to him about this signature – or his famous “and the goal!” “. The 65-year-old man has carved out a cozy place not only in the living room of sports fans, but also in their hearts.

” It’s very touching. I say this with great humility and I am sure that Bertrand [Houle, son acolyte à la description] would say the same thing. We can’t afford Sky Sports. We are well aware that TSN, our parent station, broadcasts Sky Sports reports which are made with more than colossal means. »

“We try to find our ingredients which we believe to be the best, that is to say our passion, our knowledge. We both work extremely hard. »

tears and joys

Over the years, Pierre Houde has had to put words to many events, some tragic, others happy. To know what is his worst memory, he does not hesitate: the death of Greg Moore, in IndyCar, in 1999.

At the time, Mr. Houde was teaching elocution and how to behave in interviews to Player’s pilots, including Moore.

“We had a session a few weeks before. He was nice as hell. He was an exceptional talent. I think he was coming to F1. To describe his fatal race live, it was terrible. »

“Rarely, we announce the death of a pilot on the site, but there, the IndyCar announced his death. I was not able to continue, ”he says before pausing, his gaze fixed and clouded with emotion. “And you know it,” he continues. In his case, there was no doubt. »


Jacques Villeneuve, Formula 1 world champion in 1997

And his best memory? The answer is just as instinctive. “There is nothing that will beat the championship of Jacques [Villeneuve] in 1997. ”

Before letting Mr. Houde go to his preparation for free practice, we can’t help but ask him the killer question: how long does he still think he will be a descriptor?

“It’s funny because I met a young man earlier in the pit lane. He was so happy to meet me, he told me: “That’s what I want to do in life!” I played a joke on him and said, “Be patient, in 50 years I’ll have to retire!” he exclaims with a burst of laughter.

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