Pierre de Maere tackles the Victoires de la Musique after winning a prize

This Friday, February 10, 2023, was held the 38th ceremony of the “Victoires de la Musique” in Paris. The award ceremony which is broadcast every year on France 2 has had to face for several years, many criticisms concerning the lack of diversity and the lack of representation in certain categories and in particular with regard to the nominations.

And anger is brewing again the day after the 38th edition since the rapper Tiakola, nominated in the category “Male revelation” and who recently made the buzz with his title “Gasolina”, literally left empty-handed.

It was the singer Pierre de Maere who received the famous prize and he himself was sorry to have been honored: “Receiving a Victory was wonderful, it was a waking dream. Especially since I I received it from the hands of Stromae who has always been my idol” he declared before adding: “Now, […] I think Tiakola deserved it more than me because he is much stronger in terms of sales, visibility, because he went gold in three weeks and it will take me six months to do so. It was to be expected because we know the Victoires de la Musique. […] The show is known for that, it’s a jury, a committee that doesn’t listen to rap, that doesn’t pay attention to what’s going on in rap.”

Pierre de Maere tackles the “Music Victories” and is indignant at the lack of consideration for rap
Courageous to take a stand like this before he had just arrived in the middle, Pierre de Maere continued his tirade by saying: “I think they are angry with the academy, the system, of the show, of the ceremony, which I understand very well. It is time that, either, there is a new ceremony, I think that will be the case with Les Flammes which will exist soon (the 11 May 2023, editor’s note). Either, something else to officially reward rap which is despised in the media. And that, I find that crazy!… The media are always a little behind”.


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