Pierre de Maere

Every evening from Monday to Friday at 7 p.m., Émilie Mazoyer offers us a summary of musical news. This evening, Pierre de Maere singer-songwriter from Brabant Wallon in Belgium, presents his first single One day I will marry an angel. This title made a good place for itself in the French charts this summer.

On June 21, 2022, he was invited to perform on the stage of the Fête de la Musique in Montpellier, live on France 2 and France Bleu. At the end of his performance, he receives from the hands of Nathalie André, Director of programs and music of France Bleu, his first prize “Talent France Bleu”, rewarding the release of his 1st EP “Un jour, je”.

Pierre de Maere, modern dandy

Astride music, fashion, photography. The Pierre de Maere style (pronounced mare) is a reflection of the sartorial audacity of the young Belgian: flamboyant, iridescent, mutant. He cultivates his garden and draws his inner world, dares without a net stylistic telescoping while taking care never to stray from the field of possibilities offered by pop culture. A mouth of innocent beauty, androgynous and piercing. Tall, slender silhouette, bowl cut, expressive body language. Modern dandy, esthete with chic extravagance. Already we guess an identity that can constantly shape and renew itself according to desires. Pierre de Maere spent the first half of his life in Brussels, before his parents decided to move to a farm in Walhain, a small town in central Belgium. Boredom, a lot, forcing him to stimulate his creativity. Ears drunk on popular songs, from the first compositions at the age of twelve. Neither singing lessons nor music theory, only a few drum lessons. Self-taught, he absorbs knowledge and information with abnormal speed, jumps from one passion to another in a burst of total commitment. Adolescence is marked by a photographic frenzy linked to fashion. He also quickly passed through the Beaux-Arts in Antwerp, a teaching he considered too conceptual. He is convinced that his destiny must be combined with stature and audacity. When he replaces music at the center of his interests a year and a half ago, this educated child of disorder does not however plan on the comet.

Pierre de Maere belongs to this generation that does not bother with references or classifications. It’s a boy who reads the complete Scrooge by the Fireside, Pink Floyd in the background. Also fascinated by Willy Wonka from Charlie and the chocolate factory and Lady Gaga. Understand by this that he likes singular personalities. He composes on the piano and on the computer as one imagines a cocktail by trying combinations, specifying the dosages, refining the associations. Writing sows beacons, plays on multiple readings, defies codes. Crazy and moving charm of the pieces, a bit as if Stromae was hugging Yelle, Rufus Wainwright and eighties pop.

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Decibels, the chronicle

So busy finding the last pack of A4 sheets with small non-perforated squares but with the margin on the right and in red that you’ve neglected the music news? No big deal, Emilie Mazoyer tells you everything! Today Harry Styles in France, Slimane without Vitaa and Bigflo with Oli.

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