The sequel to the adventures of Vic Beretton was released forty years ago. After experiencing her first teenage emotions with Mathieu, the most popular student on the big screen at the time fell in love with Philippe Berthier, a character played by actor Pierre Cosso. He was also a guest on the show. TPMP People, presented by Matthieu Delormeau on C8, this Saturday, May 14. After discussing the financial fallout of the comedy, he finally looked at his ties with his partner at the time, Sophie Marceau.
Fiction did not meet reality on the set, it is rather the opposite. Sophie Marceau and Pierre Cosso, who played two lovers in The Boom 2were together in real life: “What’s important is the adventure we were able to live… We were lucky, we shot a love story while being in love ourselves. So there was the filming, the promotion of the film all over the world, since we went to Japan, the United States, Italy.”
The story didn’t last long after all. After this adventure together, the actors made the decision to separate: “Then we became friendscontinued Pierre Cosso. We really lost sight of each other overnight. It starts with a week, a fortnight, a month without news. And then, maybe the egos play, there is one that does not remind the other…“Pierre Cosso can’t even really console himself with what The Boom 2 brought him financially.
Beyond the fact that the actor received 30,000 francs for the entire filming, he specifies that the royalties linked to the television broadcasting of the film are not more glorious. Indeed, Pierre Cosso indicated that each time the The Boom 2 on television, he pocketed the sum of… 50 euros! A derisory sum that does not bother him. No matter what others have touched, Pierre Cosso affirms: “It’s not the most important.” Next to the story he lived with Sophie Marceau, it can be understood, indeed.