Pierre Bellemare’s Daughter Hospitalized After Stabbing Incident Involving Her Son: Latest Updates

Knife violence in France has surged, with incidents involving individuals with mental health issues. A tragic case in Montreuil involved an 18-year-old stabbing his mother, Maria-Pia Bellemare, before harming himself. Both were hospitalized, with her condition serious but stable. Investigators are exploring the factors behind this violent act, including the suspect’s schizophrenia and possible drug influence, as they gather evidence to understand the circumstances surrounding the event.

Increase in Knife Violence in France

In recent years, France has seen a troubling rise in knife-related incidents. These attacks often involve individuals with psychiatric disorders, as highlighted by a tragic event in Annecy in 2023 where a man grappling with mental health challenges attacked several people in a park. Other instances reflect the harsh realities of social instability and drug abuse, which can escalate tensions and lead to devastating outcomes. The knife assault that took place in Montreuil on February 26, 2025, is a stark reminder of this distressing trend.

A Family Tragedy Unfolds

This particular incident unfolded within the confines of a family, a setting typically associated with love and safety. On that fateful Wednesday evening, what began as a routine disagreement between a mother and her son spiraled into a horrifying scene. Reports from CNews reveal that an 18-year-old male stabbed his mother in the abdomen before turning the knife on himself. The victim has been identified as Maria-Pia Bellemare, the daughter of the late Pierre Bellemare, who passed away in 2018; she is 54 years old and one of his three children.

Despite suffering severe injuries, Maria-Pia managed to escape to a neighbor’s home, where they promptly contacted the authorities. When law enforcement and emergency responders arrived, they were met with a shocking sight: the young man, naked and bloodied, was inflicting further harm upon himself. Efforts to subdue him with a Taser were unsuccessful as he continued to inflict grave wounds, eventually exposing his intestines, according to sources close to the case.

Both mother and son were rushed to separate hospitals for treatment, with Maria-Pia receiving care at Henri-Mondor Hospital in Créteil, while her son was placed under police supervision at Pitié Salpêtrière in Paris. Although Maria-Pia remains in serious condition, her life is not in jeopardy. In contrast, her son’s condition was initially critical due to his severe abdominal injuries, but has since stabilized, as per updates from the Bobigny prosecutor’s office.

The Montreuil police department has launched an investigation into the incident, examining various factors that may have triggered this violent outburst. A formal inquiry into “attempted murder” has also been initiated by the Bobigny prosecutor’s office. Reports indicate that the young man was diagnosed with schizophrenia, a mental health condition that can sometimes lead to episodes of paranoia and aggression.

Authorities also discovered drug pills and several bloodied knives in the suspect’s residence, suggesting he may have been under the influence of psychotropic substances during the incident. A toxicology examination is expected to be conducted shortly, as the investigation seeks to uncover the full circumstances surrounding this tragic event.
