Pierre and Frédérique (Love is in the meadow): Their life totally turned upside down, confidences without filter

It is one of the oldest couples of Love is in the meadow. Pierre and Frederique met in 2012, during the seventh season of the dating program presented by Karine Le Marchand on M6. Since then, they have never left each other! And it’s already been ten years of love. A little boy, named Gabriel, even came to complete their happiness. With our colleagues from the site of France Bleu, farmers have been engaged in this new life since their television appearance.

We were young and beautiful“, launches Frédérique about the images of her meeting with Pierre, captured by M6 and broadcast to thousands of viewers. Today, they are still as beautiful, certainly not so young but ultra famous! Indeed, since their participation in Love is in the meadow, the lovers have seen their daily lives turned upside down. Already because they got into a relationship, but also because they acquired a certain notoriety that continues, even ten years later.

Frédérique then remembers having been recognized until an intimate moment, when she was in a gas station. “I was in the bathroom, there was a knock on my door. I was asked if I was the lady of the TV, if Karine Lemarchand is nice“, she says. Another rather amusing anecdote, at the agricultural show this time. “A friend told Michel Drucker to come to our stand. So we take a three-way photo with him. At this moment, a lady passes by and tells us that she adores us. She asked Michel Drucker to take our picture with her, remember the managers of a farm and a bed and breakfast in the Gers. Someone told him that it was still Michel Drucker who was there. But she said it’s us she wanted a picture with, so he took a picture of us. We found that very funny.

If some participants in television shows would dream of regaining their anonymity, as Sam from Koh Lanta, Frédérique and Pierre are thrilled. “We don’t do a show like that when we’re good in our sneakersadmits Frederique. So it gave us a kind of bandage to have so much recognition, loveetc For ten years it has never stopped but people are kind.“This notoriety has changed their lives, and they are preparing to write down this beautiful story in a book that will be released soon.

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