Pierce Brosnan dad: rare photo of his three sons Christopher, Sean and Dylan together

Sunday August 28, W9 viewers will find Pierce Brosnan in the film Mamma Mia!. The actor plays Sam Carmichael alongside Meryl Streep, Amanda Seyfried, Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgård. More recently, Pierce Brosnan is in Bayeux in Calvados for the shooting of his new film The Last Rifleman scheduled for 2023. This feature film tells the escape of a veteran of the Second World War to attend the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings, D-Day.

On the private side, Pierce Brosnan is a fulfilled man alongside his dear and tender Keely Shay Smith, whose 21 years of marriage he celebrated this month. He is also a dad who is very close to his children. dad of a girl Charlotte (died in 2013 at the age of 41) to whom the actor has already paid tribute, he shares precious moments with Christopher (49 years old), Sean (38 years old), Dylan (25 years old) and Paris (21 years old).

However, it was his three sons Christopher, Sean and Dylan who were featured in an Instagram post posted by Pierce Brosnan. On June 19, on the occasion of Father’s Day, the actor of james bond posted a rare accomplice snapshot of him with his three sons. such a boy band ! “My love forever to you dear sons, Paris, Sean and Christopher, thank you so much for your love this Father’s Day“, wrote the 69-year-old father in the caption of the post which raised more than 89,000 likes. “What lovely family!“, “Very nice photo of the family. Wonderful“, “You are beautiful“, reacted to the many subscribers of the actor in the comments.

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