PICTURES. Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella left for their round the world sailing upside down

Let’s go ! The pair of sailors Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella took the start of their round the world trip upside down this Tuesday, January 4, afternoon. They let go of the moorings from Lorient. Among the various missions of their expedition: to beat the record held by the navigator Jean-Luc Van den Heede in 122 days, draw up a sound map of the seabed or look, again and again, for innovative solutions to navigate without polluting.

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Find their departure in photos

Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella left for more than 100 days at sea. © Radio France
Jean-Marie LIOT / UseItAgain
Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella left for more than 100 days at sea.
Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella left for more than 100 days at sea. © Radio France
Jean-Marie LIOT / UseItAgain
Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella left for more than 100 days at sea.
Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella left for more than 100 days at sea. © Radio France
Jean-Marie LIOT / UseItAgain
Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella left for more than 100 days at sea.
Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella left for more than 100 days at sea. © Radio France
Jean-Marie LIOT / UseItAgain
Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella left for more than 100 days at sea.
Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella left for more than 100 days at sea. © Radio France
Jean-Marie LIOT / UseItAgain

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