PICTURES. Demonstration in Grenoble on the sidelines of Jean Castex’s visit to take stock of actions in favor of city policy

A demonstration took place this Saturday, January 29 on the sidelines of a ministerial meeting held in Grenoble to take stock of the actions carried out in favor of the city’s policy. It was organized by the Right to Housing association.

On the occasion of the visit of Prime Minister Jean Castex to Grenoble to chair an Interministerial Committee for the City (CIV), the association Right to housing (Isère DAL) called for a demonstration at 10 a.m. in the La Villeneuve district, this Saturday.

A hundred people came to protest against the urban renewal program that has begun. They oppose the “imposed demolitions”, atthe increase in rents following renovations”, and to “forced displacement of tenants from these neighborhoods”. The Dal denounces “the lack of consultation with the inhabitants”.

Among the demonstrators, a handful of antivax. They waved banners and disrupted the visit with cries of “Castex in prison”, “Assassin”, “Shame of France”.

Several dozen police officers were mobilized to ensure the security of the ministers and to allow the Interministerial Committee to be held in the City.

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