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Sunday, May 29 will be Mother’s Day. Next to children’s drawings or pasta necklaces made at school, flowers are the number 1 gift for mothers. You can go to the florist or go picking yourself from a producer.
Flowers are a gift that always pleases. On a farm in Yvelines, Friday, May 27, the children are out. Their mission: pick a bouquet of flowers for their mom. “It’s the tradition, it must remain“, says one of them. Picking flowers yourself from the grower is economical. “At a florist, you can have a bouquet for no less than 60 euros, whereas here you have maybe half, I think“, says a customer. On 60 hectares, it is mainly fruits and vegetables that are grown, but flowers are increasingly popular.
“These flowers are necessarily local. They didn’t fly halfway around the Earth. They are picked here in the Yvelines and they will be offered near us“, observes Bruno GansellFarms of Gally. So, at the end of the morning, there are people at the checkout. Pickers should be lining up by Sunday, May 29.