Pianist Alexander Malofeev translates his faith in peace

“The OSM is canceling the concerts of young Russian pianist Alexander Malofeev. This is the title of a newspaper article The duty of March 9. Today, therefore, I have no heart for poetry, but rather for disenchantment in the face of the confusion over the spirit of war which, in a few days, imposed itself without nuance, at the speed of invasion, everywhere in minds, hearts… and institutions, including the OSM. The culture of peace is not a utopia, but a development of thought to be cultivated.

The judgment and the cryptic explanation of the Orchester symphonique de Montréal (OSM) surprise and disappoint: “The OSM considers that it would be inappropriate to welcome Mr. Malofeev this week. However, we continue to believe that it is important to maintain our relationships with artists, whatever their nationality, who carry messages of peace and hope…”

So ? Too bad the OSM got stuck in the logic of the culture of systematic banishment without nuances when it comes to an artist of Russian origin, while this young virtuoso declares his good faith publicly by his declarations: “Honestly, the only thing i can do right now is pray and cry. It would seem that there are obvious conclusions: no problem can be solved in war, people cannot be judged by their nationality. » […] “I feel very uncomfortable about this and I also believe it can affect my family in Russia. I still believe that Russian culture, music in particular, should not be tarnished by such a tragedy, even if it’s impossible to stay away from it right now. »

He adds, “All I know is that spreading hate isn’t going to make the situation any better, it’s only going to cause more suffering.” His courageous peaceful declaration does not seem to count for the leaders of the OSM.

Through his remarks, the young pianist Alexander Malofeev translates his faith in peace and expresses his despair, which the OSM leaders do not seem to understand. We show inconsistency. If the institution truly believed what it claims to support the messages of peace and hope, it would give Alexander Malofeev the chance to express peace through his art.

Instead of anathematizing an artist who denounces this war, and taking into account the difficulties for Russian artists to express their opposition in their country, a respectable organization like the OSM should give it its support. If some Russian artists support Putin’s government, let them assume their position, but those who oppose this war should be respected and allowed to contribute to the peace effort. It is as significant and vital in the promotion of peace as denouncing Russian aggression and supporting the Ukrainian people, as well as all those who, like Alexander Malofeev all over the world, and first and foremost in Russia , demonstrate against the Russian nomenklatura. It would be a useful work for the promotion of peace if we stopped feeding the widespread discriminatory stereotypes against Russian artists who take a leap of faith for peace.

The OSM could contribute to building a culture of peace instead of foolishly bowing to the anti-Russian dictates of ambient propaganda…

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