Physicians and speech therapists soon available without a prescription?


Article written by

A.Guillé-Epée, J. Delage, L. Rouvray – France 2

France Televisions

In order to fight against the problems of medical deserts, medical prescriptions may soon no longer be necessary to go to the physiotherapist or speech therapist. Several departments could be selected to test this new measure.

Many patients with joint problems have to go through their general practitioner to be prescribed a reimbursed appointment with the physiotherapist. However, physiotherapists have long demanded direct access to their care without a prescription, in order to save time, money and enhance their profession.

Making appointments without a prescription would be reserved for physiotherapists installed in a medical center, in order to better coordinate their care and reduce their schedules, especially in cases of minor pathology. “We have certain consultations for which we have the impression of being truly issuers of papers so that the care can be reimbursed”, explains Sarah Autuoro, general practitioner. Several amendments will be debated in the National Assembly.


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