However, attacks suffered in the “family” or “marital” context remain the majority of physical violence reported by victims.
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The number of victims of violence committed outside the family context increased slightly in 2023, according to a study by the Ministry of the Interior published on Thursday, July 11. Some 205,900 people reported to the authorities that they had been victims of physical, criminal or tortious violence last year, “outside the family framework” Or “conjugal”that is to say by a person having no family connection with the victim, i.e. 3% more than in 2022, according to the study by the Ministerial Statistical Service for Internal Security.
However, “The proportion of victims outside the family sphere among all victims of physical violence recorded has been decreasing steadily since 2016, from 59% to 46% [de victimes de violences physiques enregistrées par les services de police et de gendarmerie] in 2023″the study specifies. Furthermore, theThe majority of victims of recorded physical violence report attacks committed within the couple (39%) or in the non-marital family setting (14%), details this study.
These violences outside the family context are characterized by “intentional attacks on the integrity of the person” and cover a wide spectrum of offences, ranging from aggravated violence with temporary work interruption of less than 8 days, to acts of “torture or barbarity”. However, they do not include the “homicides or attempted homicides”the ministry said.
The study specifies that 137,500 people were accused of physical violence outside the family in 2023. The majority of violence committed outside the family context does not result in total incapacity for work (53%), most victims are men (69%), and although a majority of them are adults (78%), half are under 30 years old.