physical activity reduces the risk in women

A new Inserm study confirms that having regular physical activity reduces the risk of contracting Parkinson’s disease.

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Parkinson's disease ranks second among neurodegenerative pathologies in France, just behind Alzheimer's.  (MICHAEL DESPREZ / MAXPPP)

Around 200,000 people are affected by this neurodegenerative disease in France. It is manifested by slowed movements, tremors and great fatigue. A new Inserm study shows that moderate physical activity can reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by up to 25% in a woman compared to a more sedentary woman of the same age.

To achieve this result, this Inserm team led by Alexis Elbaz studied the impact of physical activity on the health of a group of 100,000 French women over 29 years. Their work also established that the benefit of physical activity is present more than 20 years before diagnosis. It is therefore important to be concerned about your physical activity around the age of fifty, to prevent this disease.

For men, several studies conducted in France and abroad have also shown the benefit of physical activity in the prevention of Parkinson’s disease, but also once it is declared. These different results underline that sport is beneficial, even at low intensity, with activities such as walking, gardening or gentle gym. The benefits are then reinforced with more sustained physical activity.

How to explain this protective effect of sport and movement on the brain?

Although the mechanisms are not known in detail, physical activity, by mobilizing certain neuronal connections, probably reinforces the plasticity of the brain. This allows him to better counter the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, which are also related to movement, walking and balance.

In the absence of a cure for Parkinson’s disease, the Haute Autorité de Santé already officially recommends physical activity programs to improve the daily lives of patients.

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