The first chapter of your book is devoted to the results of a recent study by the University of Sherbrooke which tells us that, since the 1980s, the cardiovascular capacity of young people has deteriorated in Quebec. They pass 30% fewer levels in the Luc Léger test (the famous beep test). 17-year-olds weigh on average 7 kg more. How concerned are you about this data?
Jean-François Harvey (JFH): This is very worrying, because these data show us that young people are now mainly in a risk zone. The chances are much higher that they will one day suffer from cardiovascular diseases, and this, earlier in their lives. A lot of studies tell us that young people born after the year 2000 will live shorter lives and live sick longer. This will not only affect individuals, but it will also represent a huge cost to society.
Pierre Lavoie (PL): In fact, this study scientifically highlights the fact that we are not going in the right direction, and that as a society, as parents, as a government, we must take action.
In your opinion, our approach to sport and physical activity among young people needs to change. What’s wrong right now?
PL: We specialize too much. In Quebec, we love sports studies, monosport. Does the young person who is in sports studies or who specializes very early remain active later? We now know that the answer is no.
We need to adopt a more inclusive approach, delay specialization and stop measuring and comparing children. We must take the time to instill in them the desire to move for life by increasing skills rather than performance.
Pierre Lavoie
And we would not produce fewer champions; the countries which have this approach – Slovenia, Finland, Denmark – are lecturing us internationally.
JFH: Our approach is too focused on sport and performance, and not enough on physical activity, period. This excludes a good portion of young people. And young people who seem to end up in elite sport too often fall into a toxic environment. There are a lot more injuries, sports burnout, dropping out… In the end, we lose on both fronts.
PL: The goal is to give young people the tools that will allow them to remain active for the rest of their lives. The Scandinavians tell us that the best time to do it is before the age of 14. That’s where it happens. Parents need to know this. »
You advocate the development of physical literacy in children. Concretely, what does that mean?
JFH: It’s all the know-how that is linked to movement, and it starts from early childhood: walking, climbing, running, throwing, catching, kicking. When we have these skills, it allows us to develop so-called sporting skills. And that means that we will be able, during our lives, to do a multitude of activities. A young person who, from early childhood, is too often in front of a screen and never outside does not develop these skills. He leaves with a major deficiency.
PL: Already in primary school, physical education teachers welcome young people who have missed an important window between 0 and 6 years old. The CPE works a lot on fine motor skills, and now, we also need to work on gross motor skills.
Your book is also intended to be a guide to help parents and caregivers educate young people to get them moving every day. Who can bring about the paradigm shift you propose? The parents ?
JFH: We need to change the approach on multiple levels, but indeed, parents serve as role models.
If parents are less active and spend their lives in front of a screen, how can they ask their children to be active and get away from their screens?
Jean-François Harvey
Our book also talks about the role of municipalities and governments. Teachers and physical educators must also change their approach, but also the school.
PL: We must stop imitating the model of the United States, which is exclusionary, only takes care of the good ones, and is experiencing a public health catastrophe. […] Let’s create our Quebec model and let it evolve. I am convinced that we will have more players in the National Hockey League and more Olympians, but that we will also have health for the entire population.
For clarity and brevity, the interview has been edited.

It has to move!
Editions de l’homme
272 pages