photos revive accusations against Boris Johnson

These photos published Monday evening by ITV News were taken during a farewell party for the head of communication on November 13, 2020, a few days after the announcement of a second confinement in England.

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Photos of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson sharing a drink in Downing Street in 2020, in full lockdown, have reignited accusations of lies against him, just before the release of a much-anticipated report on “partygate”.

These photos published Monday evening by ITV News were taken during a farewell party for the head of communications Lee Cain on November 13, 2020, a few days after the announcement of a second confinement in England.

We see Boris Johnson raise his glass and chat with several people around a table on which there are several bottles of wine and food.

This farewell drink had been the subject of a police investigation, like other festive events organized in circles of power during the coronavirus pandemic, a scandal called “partygate”.

Asked in Parliament about the November rally, Boris Johnson assured that there had been no party on that date and that he was certain that the rules had not been broken.

He was fined by the police for attending a surprise birthday party for his 56th birthday in Downing Street but was not punished for the parting drink, which has revived criticism.

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