Photos of naked teenage girls found in so-called professional photographer’s home

“I’m single, I don’t have any children even though I adore them…pleasure.” This is how a 43-year-old alleged pedophile from Saint-Hyacinthe presents himself on a social network, suspected of having drugged teenage girls to take naked photos of them.

On the web, David Gaudreault identifies himself as a professional photographer. But for authorities, he is instead an alleged pedophile, who now faces charges of production and possession of child pornography, as well as possession of GHB, better known as the “date rape drug.” The facts with which he is accused date back almost twenty years.

It was thanks to a stroke of luck that the police were able to catch the suspect. Last April, David Gaudreault was evicted from his home and it was while emptying the apartment that photos of naked teenage girls were discovered.

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According to our information, some girls appearing in the photos could be identified, but others could not.

The photos in question were allegedly taken between 2004 and 2005 in different cities in Quebec.

Still according to our information, David Gaudreault could have drugged the teenage girls during the intimate photo sessions, which notably took place in motels and hotels.

Gaudreault has several criminal histories for various crimes of a sexual nature.

The Sûreté du Québec would like the women – who were teenagers at the time – who may have crossed paths with David Gaudreault, to come forward by contacting the Criminal Information Center at 1 800 659-4264.

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