photos and dedications with the public, very little for her!

She can prance at the top of the hit parade with her hits “The grenade”The rest”or “Love always”, from the height of her 82 meter, Clara Luciani does not really have confidence in her. This June 27, the 29-year-old singer, a musical phenomenon of recent years, shared a story on Instagram to explain the discomfort she now has with her fans.

“I don’t really like my face”
She just confessed to them that she doesn’t like taking pictures, with or without them, simply because she “don’t really like (his) mouth” and that she is “shy“. She who suffers from a neurological disease called essential tremor, has already explained how she tries to hide it as best as possible on stage. However, Clara Luciani does not like to be confronted with her image, and claims to be more of a singer what a model.

>> See also: Clara Luciani confides in her subscribers

This is why, even if she bends to the exercise of the selfie to please those without whom she would probably never have made a career in music, Clara Luciani admits that she would sometimes prefer not to be bothered. pas… Whether it’s when it’s not to its advantage or simply in a hurry, the star would like to be able to go unnoticed at certain times.

“Don’t shout mean things at me in the street”

Today, his message is not addressed to those who accept his refusal to pose, and his explanations “polished”, but to those who react badly. To those, the interpreter of “My sister“provides:”When I refuse these selfies, I ask you from the bottom of my heart, don’t shout mean things at me in the street, don’t take pictures of me without my knowledge and don’t tell me that I “got the big head” because if at least that were the case, I would surely find myself presentable enough at all times to appear in photos with you”.

And to conclude:In short, let’s be gentle with each other. I really do my best to give you back the joy you give me. I love you. Do not doubt it!“. The life of an artist is not easy.


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