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Friday April 1stin the “Photo Hebdo” section, the 20 Heures invites you to review the current week in a few shots.
The “Weekly Photo” section come back on friday April 1, on the news of the week in a few images. First there’s the shot of a rider from London (UK)who fell from his horse during a rehearsal for Elizabeth II’s Jubilee. The queen will celebrate in two months her 70 years of reign. In Kazakhstan, two Russian cosmonauts and an American cosmonaut landed after living together for six months. We will have to explain to them what happened on Earth in the meantime.
In Cagnes-sur-Mer (Alpes-Maritimes)poutine fishing season begins. This is the name given to small translucent sardines. During the Oscars ceremony, Will Smith’s slap in the face of Chris Rock went around the world. In Berlin (Germany)a graffiti is inspired by it. In Norway, a football pitch has been erected in the middle of the sea. To fetch the lost balloons, you have to get out of the boat.