photo from the hospital to discuss health concerns

“A little health problem took over!”This Saturday January 13, 2024, Kev Adams and Claude Zidi Jr were expected at the Salle Aurore in Cannes from 7:25 p.m. for the premiere of their film Retirement Home 2, which is about to be released in all theaters in France. Unfortunately, the comedian revealed by Laurent Ruquier had to cancel his presence at the last moment, and was hospitalized due to health concerns which he did not wish to detail on his Instagram account, but to which he nevertheless briefly returned to excuse his fortuitous absence: “I want to apologize to everyone I was supposed to meet this weekend. Unfortunately, a little health problem took over! I was happy to meet you for this film that I love! But I leave you in good hands with a crazy cast. It’s only a postponement, I’m sure! I kiss you, and don’t worry, everything is fine.”

For several days, Kev Adams continues the previews of Retirement Home 2 everywhere in France. He was in Langon on December 20, then in Agen on December 28, and was supposed to be in Draguignan this Sunday, January 14; a national tour called In all CGRs in France which the comedian had been happy to make for several weeks, but which he was physically unable to continue, one month to the day before the release of his film. Indeed, Retirement Home 2 is expected in all cinemas on February 14, and will bring together some pretty names from French cinema in the cast. In the casting of the first opus, Gérard Depardieucurrently at the heart of heated controversies, will not be there, since his character died in the film.

Chantal Ladesou and Enrico Macias as new residents

However, viewers will be able to find actors they met during the first film, such as Daniel Prévost, Liliane Rovère, Firmine Richard, Marthe Villalonga, Jarry and Jean-Luc Bideau. Two deceased actresses are missing: Mylène Demongeotdied on December 1, 2022 at the age of 87, and Marianne Garcia, died on April 19, 2022 at only 66 years old. The cast is reinforced by very strong new names, such as the immense Jean Reno, the singers Enrico Macias and Michel Jonasz, or even Amanda Lear and Chantal Ladesou. Actor Brahim Bouhlel, revealed by the series Validalso makes his return to the cinema, after serving an eight-month sentence in Morocco in 2021 for having produced a sketch that the Moroccan justice system did not accept.

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