Who am I ?
It depends on whose point of view. From my own point of view, I would define myself as someone caring and passionate. According to my beloved, I must be someone who works a lot. From my children’s point of view, a clown. From my work colleagues’ point of view, a stubborn one perhaps.
Are we free?
Having traveled a lot, I would say that in Canada, we are much freer than elsewhere. We are fortunate to live in a democracy where the press can also express itself freely. There is less distinction between social classes here than elsewhere in the world. We are not all born equal… but everyone can achieve and experience success, even if they start at the bottom. Afterwards, having freedom does not mean not having limits. We are all free in a certain playground… but the dimensions of this playground vary from one person to another.
What do you remember from your education?
It is better to plan than to react and it is better to listen to yourself. Also, when we open up to others, others open up to us.
A thinker/philosopher/author who has been with you for a long time?
Albert Einstein.
What torments your conscience?
The meaning of life in general. Why do I live? Why all this: us, on this planet, in this solar system, in an immense universe that has existed for billions of years. What is my role in all of this and am I doing it well? Does it really serve any purpose?
The most surprising thing you’ve done for love?
Giving up part of my dreams.

Luc Langevin
The perfect place or state of mind?
On stage to amaze people… or in the arms of my beloved… or with my children in my arms.
An advantage of being selfish?
Having only yourself to worry about.
A quality you will never have?
Be a good host. I almost never entertain at home and I don’t really like doing it. I’d like to “love it” and be good at it, but I’m not…and the motivation to change isn’t really there.
Your demon?
Work. It is, on the one hand, a great passion that nourishes me enormously, but also something that monopolizes a huge part of my life to the detriment of the rest. I am so passionate about my work that it is very difficult to make room for anything else, which makes my life very difficult. Because, ultimately, I need other things too.

Luc Langevin
A perfect place to dream and create?
In my head. It’s the best place in the world! How lucky to be able to go there whenever I want, by the way.
A beautiful death, in your opinion?
Surrounded by my loved ones… no matter where or how. If only to talk to them one last time.
What annoys you in life?
The tendency of people to react after the damage is done rather than prevent it. People who don’t learn from their mistakes. Human stupidity. The war.
Complete the sentence: If God exists…
…why would it be so serious in his eyes that we, the little tiny humans he created in this immense universe, blaspheme or don’t take the time to pray or go to church enough? Why would it bother him to the point where he wants to punish us for eternity if we don’t listen to his wishes, when he himself created us as we are and he can transform everything as he wishes since is he all-powerful? Why would it be so important to him to educate us in this way and why would it be so relevant for us to believe in him without having proof of his existence?