Philosophical questionnaire | Sentimental education

Once a month, The Pressinspired by the magazine’s Socrates Questionnaire Philosophy, questions a personality on the big questions of life. This Sunday, actress and producer Sophie Lorain, starring in the film Will by Denys Arcand, in theaters from October 5, who co-produced Disobey: Chantale Daigle’s choiceon air October 25 in Noovo, answers our questions.

Who am I ?

Hmm, if only I knew… Probably someone who does what she can with what she’s given. But above all, I would say someone who doesn’t wish anyone harm. That’s already a lot, right?

Are we free?

No, we are not free from anything. We can make good films all we want, but to believe otherwise is an aberration.

What do you remember from your education?

I received a strict education, led with an iron fist by a French governess. She was bossy and not very forgiving, but what little discipline I have comes from her and it has served me a lot in life. So thank you to my mother for hiring her and to this housekeeper for teaching us the true meaning of the word “perseverance”.

An author/thinker/philosopher who has been with you for a long time?

Shakespeare. I am always surprised by the beauty of his sonnets. I think of Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? It’s swoon-worthy, isn’t it? And its larger-than-life characters: Mercutio, Juliet, King Lear, Hamlet and other Lady Macbeths who all carry the complexity of human nature within them, each in their own way. This is extremely accurate writing.


Sophie Lorain

The most surprising thing you’ve done for love?

Surely a lot of bullshit, but I still have enough pride not to share it with you!

Your demon?

The chips !

The perfect place to create or dream?

I do not know him. I work wherever and wherever I want. I even learn my lines at red lights when I’m behind the wheel of my car.

An advantage of being selfish?

I do not know any.

An idea that you would defend against everything?

Equity, equity, equity with all that this implies and represents difficulties, because the transition from theory to execution is often very complex.

A quality you will never have?

Patience… Sorry, it’s too late!

A recurring dream (or nightmare)?

I often dream that I can erase the mistakes surrounding my son’s education. But isn’t that every parent’s dream?


Sophie Lorain

What makes you most proud of your career?

The feeling of having a good batting average and having helped some people.

What other job would you have wanted to do?

Doctor, definitely. What a regret. First, I would feel more useful. Second, I would have a “steady” paycheck. And thirdly, everything would not have to be continually redone.

What annoys you in life?

Lack of compassion.

Complete the sentence: If God exists…

Well, you’re fired, dude! (Because we agree that it doesn’t work, its business, eh?)

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