Philosophical questionnaire | Dare to love and cultivate letting go

Once a month, The Pressinspired by the magazine’s “Socrates Questionnaire” Philosophy, questions a personality on the big questions of life. This Sunday, pianist and composer Alexandra Stréliski, whose tour continues throughout Quebec and who will present her show in orchestral version at the Maison symphonique during the Jazz Festival, answers our questions.

Who am I ?

I am a little curly pianist who plays her soul on a piano and who finally dared to go on stage to share it with others.

Are we free?

We are free if we have the means, but the majority of us must fight for our basic needs. I would say that we have very relative and unequal freedom.

What do you remember from your education?

Love, respect and openness to the world.

A thinker/philosopher/author who has been with you for a long time?

One of the first sentences that marked me as a teenager was: “I only know one thing, that I know nothing” by Socrates. Already, I found it reassuring that intelligence could reside in doubt rather than in certainty. I also like the posture of humility behind this thought. As time goes by, I realize that I am wary of people who are too rigid in their position or those who parade around with their knowledge. The older I get, the more I appreciate nuance, diversity of points of view, and curiosity.

What torments your conscience?

The fleeting nature of life. When I was 6 years old, I asked my parents: “Mom, if everyone dies one day, is it still worth loving?” »And that sums up my existentialism well. I think losing love is my biggest fear. Losing the people I love, of course, but also losing love in general. The one who moves us forward, who inspires us, who makes us grow and who makes us create. I worry that one day the inspiration will go away. Quite simply. At once. Keeping my heart open despite this risk is one of my great challenges.

The most surprising thing you’ve done for love?

I moved to the Netherlands for six months a year.


Alexandra Stréliski

The perfect place or state of mind?

When I play the piano, I go into a sort of trance which is similar to the state you get when you meditate for a long time. There is a kind of universal love and letting go that resides there. It’s very nice.

An advantage of being selfish?

I would say to take care of our own needs and not dump our emotional baggage and trauma on others. Learn to observe yourself to take responsibility. I find that we too often project onto others without realizing it.

A quality you will never have?

I’m not the most patient. I often have to remind myself that the process is more important than the outcome.

A recurring dream or nightmare?

I dreamed for a long time that I died in a plane crash. If this ever happens to me, you can pull out this article and tell yourself that I saw it coming. Haha!


Alexandra Stréliski

Your demon?

On stage, our worst enemy is our own ego. If we observe ourselves too much, we can stumble. We must cultivate letting go and trust that the body and soul will do their work on their own. A great analogy for life, I think.

A perfect place to dream and create?

A quiet place, with large windows from which you can see the mountains and the sea, with occasional torrents of rain and wind blowing through the leaves of the trees.

A beautiful death, in your opinion?

Surrounded by those we loved with all our being.

What annoys you in life?

People who are not aware of others, who do not listen, or who are not aware of their privilege.

Complete the sentence: If God exists…

If God exists, tell him to confiscate the swords and guns.

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