“Philippe Poutou’s program is the one in which I find myself the most”

Every day, Manon Mella gives voice to young people aged 18-30. Thursday, January 13, meeting with Robin, 27 years old, supervisor in a boarding school.

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Robin is 27 years old and works as a supervisor in a boarding school in the Paris region. In the first round of the 2022 presidential election, he wants to vote for the candidate of the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) Philippe Poutou. “When I look at the presidential election, I find that Philippe Poutou is the only one who embodies a message that is bigger than him. When I see others, I see ego. Poutou carries a voice, that of a people“.

Behind Philippe Poutou, I see people who get up in the morning to go to work and who struggle to fill up with gas, like me who is on the minimum wage and who sometimes has a hard time.

Robin, 27 years old

at franceinfo

Philippe Poutou’s program, “this is the program in which I find myself the most“, he assures. “When we see the policy led by Emmanuel Macron, I think we need a complete break“.

In 2017, Robin had voted for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “In the first round, I always vote out of conviction. In 2022, it may be naive, but I hope for a surprise and an enthusiasm for Philippe Poutou who could bring together more and more young people, precarious people, abstainers and white votes who no longer believe in politics.“.

The real problem is the first-past-the-post system with two rounds.

Robin, 27 years old

at franceinfo

For Robin,it is the system that needs to be redone. It’s been 15 years since we made votes to block but the system is made like that. And as long as no one will change it, we will vote by conviction in the first round and in the second for the least worst or for the one we chose in the first round. In 2022, I will be present at the polls, that’s for sure.

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