Philippe-Pinel Institute | Union members demonstrate for increased security

(Montreal) Union members from the Pinel Institute demonstrate on Monday in Montreal to demand increased protection measures for the establishment’s staff.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

In particular, they would like the existing security protocols to be applied more strictly.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees, affiliated with the FTQ, which represents 700 members, maintains that the security problems in the establishment are important: 303 incident reports were made in 2019, 380 in 2020. It is expects a higher number again this year.

CUPE is also demanding better salary treatment for stakeholders specializing in peace and security.

During the last negotiation of the collective agreement, there was an agreement on the evaluation of this job title. Work has since started on this, CUPE said.

The CUPE local maintains that the institute has difficulty retaining its Specialists in pacification and security, because they are better paid by the federal prison services.

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