Philippe Lellouche: His son Sam takes over at the theater… his two little sisters too?

One would think to see double… fifteen years later. On January 6, 2022, Sam Lellouche climbed on the boards of the Palais des Glaces to present the premiere of the play to the public The game of truth. By giving the reply to Emma Smet – tomorrow belongs to us -, Alexandre Bierry and Clément Moreau, the 27-year-old young man mainly takes over from his dad, Philippe Lellouche, who wrote and played the same role for a long time in the mid-2000s. Despite his status as “son of“, the budding comedian hopes to create his own path.

Let me make my career!

One day, we were giving him advice with Vincent Lindon and my brother Gilles. He got annoyed by telling us ‘Let me do my career!’, says Philippe Lellouche in a cross interview, granted to the magazine Gala. His determination, like the fact that he is training in a theater school, reassured me.” Difficult not to make the link, nor the comparison with his son Sam who voluntarily took on the same role. Especially since his mother – who has remained anonymous all this time – was not delighted at the idea that the young man walks in the footsteps of his ex.

dogs are not cats

She was worried because she knew my father when he was struggling, explains Sam Lellouche. But she trusts me.“You will probably have to get used to seeing all the children of Philippe Lellouche grow and evolve. His son Solal, whom he had in 2003 with Vanessa Demouy, started rapping… but all the rest of the tribe seems to have great affinities with theater, television and film.”His little sister Sharlie, 10 years old [elle aussi fille de Vanessa Demouy, NDLR.], like the youngest 3-year-old [fille de la maquilleuse Vanessa Boisjean] are still young, but I can already see their abilities, continues the proud dad. Dogs are not cats…

Find the interview of Philippe and Sam Lellouche in the magazine Gala, n°1493, January 20, 2022.

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